We set off into the Baltic Sea to search the best fisheries and not luck.
Sonar only helps us to confirm the conclusions, coming from the observation of humidity, temperature, cloudiness, wind direction, or perceptible sea currents. Caught herrings protected with ice are without delay transported to a place where fresh ingredients and people that know how to handle treasures of the sea, await them.

Right sequence of adding the ingredients influences even the final colour of the fish.
Fresh herrings are fileted and mixed with the ingredients of the marinade. Stored in barrels, they are permeated with the taste of the spices. Next every filet is skinned by hand, enriched with more ingredients and formed to the shape of party skewer. Single packages are hermetically protected, to maintain freshness for a month.
Herring party skewers from Manufaktura Fishparty can be found at healthy food points.
Our herring party skewers, can be found even in the parts of Poland that are the farthest form the Baltic Sea. We know that they find customers also abroad, in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Italy or Slovakia. Before we had decided to enter the market, Manufaktura had been presented at the fair in Urk, the Netherlands where it enjoyed the expected success, proudly representing polish fishery